everyone always asks me "how did you get started in the antique business"...so here is my answer to all of those wanting to know:
when i was a little girl i always was re-arranging furniture and decorating my dollhouses...i use to cut up what we use to call "contact" paper to use to wallpaper walls in dollhouses...i would walk into homes and vision how "i" would arrange furniture...and i was always in love with england...i was obsessed with princess diana and cried for months when she passed away.
my college days were spent studying (well some studying) about journalism and i just knew i would go into broadcasting and be on t.v....well, as we all know, reporting news isn't always about the "good things"...there seems to be much more "bad" to report than good..and thats just depressing....i spent time going to flea markets in college and i would sell things on the side....so i decided to start a "booth" in an antique mall...well, i couldn't keep it full...in 2 years, i had 4 booths and couldn't keep any of them full....the amount of rent i was paying for all of these booths was more than what rent for one building of my own would be....so ..long story short, i had my little girl (who isn't little anymore)..i rented a building, and started my own store.
i closed my store to pick my daughter up from school..i closed to take her to ballet...i made sure she came first and my work came second. i was in my hometown of pawhuska, and everyone there understood my business hours...my customers came from all over...i supplied alot of other stores with their furniture due to my overhead being so low......18 years later, i'm doing what i love, going to the place i love, that being england, and surrounding myself with items i love.....there is a "lot" that went on "in between" the years of moving, divorce, re-marrying, etc. so at times it was very hard, i learned alot about myself, about who was a friend and who wasn't.....but i am blessed....and anyone that puts their child before anything else will indeed struggle, yet be rewarded in the end ....my reward is having a wonderful family, a job that i love, and my wonderful customers.