Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lee's Letter from Fall 2009

everyone needs this candle. it's as simple as that!
i have the opportunity to carry the best smelling candle that i've ever seen or smelled.....and i'm excited because of it's "english roots".

sean omara is an amazing man. while on one of his trips to england, he was strolling in an antique stall in notting hill..(i love that he was in notting hill and discovered this!!)...he came across an old book...it was filled with old formulas that were created for the many great monarchies of europe. sean has been in the beauty industry for years, working for such great companies such as estee lauder and proctor and gamble.
knowing he could duplicate these formulas and taking the risk of his career, he had the courage and belief in himself to throw everything he had out there and create his own line...thus royal apothic was born.
i talk to sean every other week and have developed a friendship with him. it is no surprise to me that his creations represent what he believes and has worked so hard the past 3 years. he is funny, smart, talented and the beauty industry has been blessed to have such a creative mind in their field for all these years. he loves england and shares his love of england thru his home and his work.

the line sold out in 3 days at my store. it works. it smells amazing unlike anything you have ever smelled before. the packaging is clever. its affordable. what more can i say? everyone needs this candle in their home...its that simple! i haven't been this excited over any line in ...well...never.

stop by to get yours today...once they are sold out, it will take a while to get more, so hurry in to notting hill today...you'll be back for more...i promise!

cheers to your great smelling home!

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